AI-Powered Property Data Insights

Find and analyse any UK
property in seconds

Discover, source, analyse and track any property in seconds, all in one place

SOLUTIONS designed for you

Turn property data into opportunities with a solution designed to fit your needs.

Make better, faster decisions with the best property data. Research and analyse any property market with HomePortfolio. Easily identify & evaluate your next property investment opportunities and engage, convert, and retain your customers.

Simplified Decision Making

Extensive Property Data Insights at Your Fingertips

Make informed decisions with our AI-powered platform. Get real-time insights, predictive analytics, and smart data visualization to maximize your ROI.

  • Real-time Property Insights and Analytics
  • Predictive Analytics and Forecasting
  • Real-time Data Visualization
ROI and Investment Analysis

Supercharge Your Investment Decisions with AI-driven Insights

Make informed investment decisions with our AI-powered platform. Get real-time insights, predictive analytics, and smart data visualization to maximize your ROI.

  • Real-time Investment Insights and Analytics
  • Predictive Analytics and Forecasting
  • Real-time Data Visualization
Ask about a home

Ask any Questions related to any property with the help of AI

  • Who lives in this neighbourhood?
  • What planning applications have been approved? Permit history?
  • How's the air quality?
Look for a home

Find the perfect home with our AI-powered search engine and data insights

  • Show me family-friendly neighbourhoods
  • How's the market right now?
  • Is this a good place to live?
  • Tell me more about this neighbourhood

Client Testimonials

HomePortFolio has helped thousands of customers find their dream homes. Here's what they have to say about us.

Astroship has transformed the way we manage our projects. Its well-designed interface and powerful features make it a must-have tool for any startup. We've seen a great increase in our productivity and collaboration.
John Doe

John Doe

CEO at TechCorp

As a marketing professional, I love using Astroship to streamline our marketing campaigns. The automation features and data analytics help us make data-driven decisions and optimize our business strategies.
Jane Smith

Jane Smith

Marketing Manager at InnovateTech

Astroship has revolutionized the way we handle customer support. The ticketing system and knowledge base have significantly reduced response times, leading to happier customers. Thanks to this incredible tool.
Mike Johnson

Mike Johnson

CTO at CloudNine

Astroship has simplified our employee management processes. From onboarding to performance evaluations, everything is now seamlessly organized in one place. It's made my job much more manageable and enjoyable!
Emily Brown

Emily Brown

HR Manager at ConnectCo

Our sales team swears by Astroship's CRM capabilities. The lead tracking and pipeline management tools have resulted in a significant boost in sales. It's a versatile platform that has truly optimized our sales processes.
David Lee

David Lee

Sales Director at Linkify

Astroship has been a lifesaver for our finance department. Its robust accounting features and automated invoicing have saved us countless hours of manual work. It's the perfect financial companion for any business!
Sarah Martinez

Sarah Martinez

Finance Controller at MoneyMakers

Interactive Visualizations

Get a bird's eye view of your property data with our interactive visualizations

Flood Risks

Flood Risks

Find out how your future neighbourhood is at risks of flooding from rivers and seas

Noise Level

Noise Level

Learn How Loud your future neighbourhood will sound.

EV Friendly Neighborhood
EV Friendly neighborhood
Find homes nearby of electric charging stations
Investment Potential
Planning Applications
Flood Risk
Flood Risk
What’s Nearby?
Nearby 1Nearby 2Nearby 3
Mobile and Broadband

Our Data Sources

We pull data from the best sources to provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information.



Residential Properties


property records updated


postcodes available


Market Deals


Data points