Analyse any investment property in seconds.

Our investment analysis tools make it easy to analyse rental properties, BRRRR’s, flips, HMOs, multi-family buildings, estimate profits, and find the best real estate deals.

Real Estate Investment Calculators

Select a calculator to streamline your property investment analysis.

Rental Property Calculator

Rental Property Calculator

Determine the profitability potential of single-family, multi-family, or commercial property. Analyze cash flow, ROI, and more.

  • Determine the profitability potential of single-family, multi-family, or commercial property.

  • Analyze cash flow, ROI, and more.

  • Create printable reports perfect for showing lenders, partners, or investors (Pro Members).

Accurate property analysis in just a few clicks Powerful, Easy to Use Features

Say goodbye to spreadsheets. HomePortfolio Investment analysis tools is the only property analysis software you’ll ever need.

Perform accurate property analysis in seconds

HomePortfolio investment analysis tools are powerful, yet incredibly easy to use. Calculate all important metrics for rentals, Buy-to-let, BRRRR’s, flips, multi-family, and commercial buildings.

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Find the Right Property with Confidence

Access comprehensive data to make informed investment decisions.

Look up any property for recent sales and rental comparables

Estimate after repair values and potential rents with confidence. View recent sales comps, comparable rental listings, and market statistics. Available for most UK properties.

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Tailor Your Property Deals

Our tools provide maximum flexibility for your unique investment needs.

Customise each property deal, effortlessly

We understand that every deal is different. Our investment analysis tools provide virtually unlimited flexibility when entering financing, closing costs, repair budgets, and operating expenses.

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Cash Flow and Profit Analysis

Easily estimate returns and plan long-term strategies for your investments.

View cash flow and profit projections

Analyse long-term cash flow projections for rental and buy-to-let properties, along with profit projections for flips. Quickly change deal parameters and see how they will impact your profit and returns.

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Professional Property Reporting

Impress investors and stakeholders with polished, customizable reports.

Share property reports with investors

Create professional online or PDF reports with a single click. Add your custom branding and logo and share your reports with lenders, partners, investors, or clients.

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